
The sixth part of the portable air compressor project environmental protection, energy saving and labor safety

  The sixth part of the portable  air compressor project environmental protection, energy saving and labor safety

  In project construction, it is necessary to carry out relevant national environmental protection, energy saving and occupational safety regulations and laws, the project may cause the surrounding environmental impact or worker health and safety factors, must carry on the demonstration analysis in the feasibility study phase, puts forward prevention measures, and to evaluate its recommendation technology is feasible, economic, and rational layout, the best way to less harmful effects to the environment. According to the existing provisions of the state, who engaged in the environmental impact of construction projects must be the implementation of the environmental impact report for examination and approval system, at the same time, in the feasibility study report, the environmental protection and labor safety to be specifically discussed.

  A project of environmental protection, portable air compressor

  (a) project environment protection design basis

  (2) project environmental protection measures

  (3) the project environmental assessment

  Second, the portable air compressor project resource utilization and energy consumption analysis

  (a) project resource utilization and energy consumption standards

  (2) the project resource utilization and energy consumption analysis

  Three projects, mobile air compressor energy saving scheme

  (a) project energy saving design basis

  (2) the project energy saving analysis

  Four fire scheme, portable air compressor project

  (a) fire protection design basis

  (2) project fire protection measures

  (3) the fire alarm system

  (4) fire extinguishing system

  (5) fire control knowledge education

  Five, the portable air compressor project occupational safety and health plan

  (a) project labor safety design basis

  (2) the project labor safety and protective measures

